Wednesday 31 December 2008

My friend

wears red-tinted sunglasses all the time. 

But obviously he doesn't think everything is red. 


Means to tie, to bind, to fasten to.

Come unfasten yourself. 

All nouns

are actually verbs in drag.

i.e. A tree is not 'a tree', it is in fact, tree-ing. 

So then, what's the 'you thing' ?

Back Up

Until there is no sense of a separate self, no sense of duality.

Yes, but...

The 'Yes, but...' attitude is the very thing keeping you from realising what you really, really, really are. 

An authentic "YES", on the other hand, blows the whole dream structure apart. 

When what you really, really are is aperceived, there are no more questions. 

(Paraphrasing U.G. Krishnamurti)

If You Meet The Buddha, Kill Him

Where are you Buddha-ing about?

What are you bowing down before?

Get up off your knees and know that you are God. 

Tuesday 30 December 2008


A lot of teachers and seekers who take it all very seriously.

Funnily enough, it's the child like wonder that breaks this whole yolk open.

The stern ones are wrinkles on the surface of being; they are in the corner, facing the wall, with their hands over their ears singing.

I mean, seriously!


The 'you thing' is just a constantly moving ripple on the surface of all that is.

The motion of everything keeps flowing you back into all that you really, really, really are.

All you're doing is allowing that infinite motion.

Go out with that tide

Sunday 21 December 2008

For Sale or Rent

This is utterly available for all, all of the time. 

Background is made of foreground is made of background

A friend pointed out that the background is never truly broken. 

A Gentle Reminder

"What are we doing here where this is real?"

Twilight of The Idols

None of your spiritual teachers are above you. They cannot 'cause' your awakening. Nor can you.

They are just fellow apertures, through which the universe views itself. And you will be stuck in the quagmire of spiritual wilderness unless you realise that the only difference between them and you, is that you stamp everything as your own when it is no such thing. 

Sticks in The Mud

There is a certain type of seeker who stubbornly refuses to see what is actually most immediate and obvious. 

These are the sticks in the mud and the thinking system there revolves around a notion of refuting all possibilities with a:

"Yes, but...."

After which they find a wormhole to inch down, away from the reality, which is that the hole, the worm, the thinking system and everything else are intrinsically self-same and unseparated. 

This is in-seen, not worked out. And sticks in the mud, by their very nature, can not remain sticks for ever. 

Saturday 20 December 2008

Seeing Through The You

Where do you feel 'you' are located in your body?

Behind your eyes? ...

Feel that sensation out, that feeling of you, that experiencer. Get a really good sense of it. Mmm...

Now, who the hell is it that is watching the sense of that 'you' sense? And who's watching that one? Can 'you' feel those ones out? And who is the you watching that? GAH!

..To the mind this feels like an infinite regress of experiencers. Seriously, is there any real you? Or just a presumption of a location of a you, behind your eyes?

Behind your eyes all there is is gristle, grey matter, the hippocampus, the ocular nerves, pulp, blood and bone. That's all.

Here, there is no longer a sense of a 'me' being located.
From here, it's just a hall of mirrors, bouncing back and forth like a technicolour hologram. It's fun.

Zoom out, back up, until there is no sense of one location.
When location appears, it appears as a nuance of the totality.

And let this totality deprogram you

Tuesday 16 December 2008

When The Bottom Falls Out The Bucket

It's not something you can force, but it is completely inevitable.

Seeing through this weave you call your life is not possible with the thinking thing. The thinking thing is part of the weave and cannot look through itself. This clear seeing is not possible from the false perspective you know as yourself and it is not communicable through language.

Does exist. Cannot be communicated.

Yourself is a muscular contraction, a series of echoing memories and that is all. This stream goes on after the weave you call your life is seen through, but for nobody. After it is seen through, the 'self' appears again but as a hologram and is seen through, even when it is shouting and crying and screaming it is seen through completely.

Become very intimate with the feelings in your body, with the stream of your thoughts, with the inner music. They are all IT, they are all Nuances of The Totality.

Absorb and become absorbed, carrying water like any other day, until the bottom falls right out of the bucket.

Wednesday 10 December 2008


Click This For A Good Time, Baby

The Reach Around just a tendency of the you thing. To reach around for meaning, purpose, for the next olive, for the next ..gah! Is seeking itself.

The problem with seeking, or reaching around is two fold.

1. We always come up empty handed.

2 .We think there is something wrong with reaching around and feel guilty about it.

As long as it's seen that reaching around is just something that happens, is something to do with the way that we're built, then the less of an issue reaching around is.

Deeper than this, though, is that taking reaching around seriously originates from a false perspective. Can you find the perspective from which there needs be no reaching around, but in which reaching around may or may not happen, for no one?

Thursday 4 December 2008

Longing Longingly

So the longing is it. Your longing is it.

The longing is where it's at.

In the full force of the world's most powerful longing lies the fullness of liberation.

Liberation is present, all pervading. It's present in the immediate experience of what you presume to be a self.

Obviously, there is the bodymind sitting there, reading. Obviously the thoughts and images stream through it. Nothing need be done about the thoughts and images. They stream unabated.

Liberation is this, the feel of your body, the thoughts, the images. Can you detect a self beyond muscular contraction? Don't try to puzzle this one out, you'll only end up lost, serious, religious.

This is it.

And there is nobody. No me.

Streaming, endlessly.

Letting it stream

Tuesday 2 December 2008

This is it

This is the very depth of being.

Your arse on the seat. Breathing in. Breathing out.

Feelings and tensions in the body.

The steady stream of thought and images, threading throughout your inward screens.

This is the very depth of being, whatever is going on.