Thursday 15 April 2010

Perennial Wisdom

"You know Brian, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!"

Fellow crucifee of "Bryan', Monty Python's Life of Brian.

Wednesday 14 April 2010


Stains on the window of your consciousness can attract your attention; so much so that most of us settle for the occluded view, when what we really want to do is take a brick and smash the grubby window entirely.

Everything, especially what you feel to be a self, is a stain on the window. The whole damn thing is only a kind of greenhouse. Anything you can possibly think of or experience is made of glass.

Brick Walls Break Open Thrown Eggs

The whole damn point of this blog Is that it doesn't fucking work.


All is That.

Your frustration right now
The sense of 'yes, but'

Your gut clenching,
the clicking of the fingertip on the keyboard.

This gap in thought,
then this thought.

There is nothing which is not that.

And when this message percolates down, and decodes that which you thought you were,
when 'you' unfurls into the symbiotic one whorl we know as the material, psychologically interpreted universe,
then, while there is no you to be free,
you will be set free forever,

In other words,
everything is bakcground.

These Brains

These brains in our skulls have so much that is pre-programmed.
This one here has lots of anxiety programmed from a nervous Jewish mother, for example.

If you would like to see through the cosmic net, pay as little attention to the machinations of your brain and thought processes as you do the rumblings of your intestinal tract or the sweat pouring through your open pores.

Hopefully the rumblings of your intestinal tract and the sweat pouring through your open pores don't keep you too imprisoned.

If they do, go see a doctor.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

For a change...

See whatever is happening as it doing you, rather than 'you' doing it. After this is inseen, the notion of a 'you' doing anything seems like a big joke.

Happens what see ;)

All This is

Is a constellation of isolated sense impression, electrical synapse snaps of the one, eternalovement so remember, don't take it personally.